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Privacy policy

Privacy policy pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the relative legislation applicable to the website 


This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) contains important information regarding the management of the website, with regard to the processing of the personal data of visitors and customers that consult the website. This privacy policy applies strictly to the website Following consultation of this website, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed.

This document contains important information relating to the following:


The Data Controller of the acquired personal data is Colorpack s.r.l. with registered office in Via Benvenuto Cellini 26, 20020 Solaro (MI). Tax code and VAT number 01485370124, Tel. +39 029690664, email: and certified email (Pec):, in the person of the pro-tempora legal representative who, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 679/2016 (“GDPR”) and personal data protection legislation, informs you that the personal data you voluntarily provide shall be processed in compliance with current legislation and the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of confidentiality provided for therein. Note that the user has the right to browse the website without leaving any type of personal data by disabling the cookies, following the procedure described in the relative section. 


The Company collects the user’s personal data only when the user voluntarily provides said data. This occurs, for example, by placing an order on the Website, by opening an account or subscribing to the newsletter, by requesting confirmation of an order or shipment via email, by requesting pre/after-sales assistance and so on. 

The personal data processed includes:

Personal details (name, surname, date of birth, etc.);

Contact details (email address, phone number);

Information concerning payment instruments (credit or debit card); 

Web browsing data such as “IP” addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Website, the URL addresses of the requested resources, the numeric code indicating the status of the response by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters concerning the user’s operating system and computer environment. Said information is collected by means of cookies described in the Website Cookie Policy, to which reference is made;

information relating to the sale, including data, the supplied products and services, place of purchase, product codes, amount, sales total, VAT number, claims, returns, refunds or other information concerning the sale, the collection of which is permitted by the regulations in force;


The data shall be processed for the following purposes:

to comply with the obligations set out by the law, national and European regulations or legislation, or imposed by the competent authorities.

The provision of personal data for said purposes is required by law and, therefore, failure to provide said data shall prevent the Company from fulfilling the activity you have requested.

the fulfilment of obligations resulting from and connected with the sale contract, including but not limited to, the provision of services for the transport and delivery of the goods and after-sales assistance to the customer.

The provision of personal data for said purposes is a contractual requirement and failure to provide said data shall make it impossible for the Company to enter into contract.

the performance of marketing activities, subject to your express consent.

The provision of data for said purpose is optional and refusal to provide your relative consent for processing shall make it impossible for the Company to perform the activities indicated above, but shall not prevent the customer from making the online purchase;


Personal data shall be processed using automated tools and appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal data, and for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which said data has been collected.


The data collected from the website shall be processed solely within the scope of the aforementioned purposes and using means able to ensure its utmost security and confidentiality. The data provided shall not, under any circumstances, be subject to dissemination, but may be communicated to subjects whose right to access the data is recognised by law or by orders of the authorities, to employees and/or collaborators of the Data Controller in their capacity as persons authorised to process data and/or to system administrators. Moreover, when the user purchases products or uses the website sale services, their personal data may be shared by the supplier of the e-commerce of this Website with selected third-party subjects who provide services to the supplier, including those that process the orders, ship the products, process credit or debit card payments and carry out fraud checks. The user’s personal data may be shared with third-party subjects to monitor and analyse Website activity, to host Website content, to provide technical and organisational services functional to the aforementioned purposes, to maintain the customer database, to provide marketing assistance and manage emails, to perform market analyses, surveys, hold contests, prize initiatives or promotions. The Company’s service providers are not authorised to use the personal data for purposes other than the provision of the contracted services. The Data Controller nonetheless takes technical and organisational measures to ensure an appropriate level of security with regard to the risk of processing. In any case, each user can ask the Data Controller for an up-to-date list of Data Processors at any time. 


The personal data acquired shall be stored for the duration of the business relationship and for the entire time necessary to pursue the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

In order to ensure compliance with the principles of necessity and proportionality of processing, different Personal Data retention periods have been defined in detail in relation to the individual purposes pursued:

Registration on website: the Personal Data you provide to Register on the website shall be kept for the entire duration of your registration on said portal. In case of inactivity for 24 months, your Account will be cancelled;

Invoicing data shall be kept for a period of time able to ensure the correct fulfilment of the contract and, in any case, for an additional 10 years after your last online purchase in order to fulfil the relative administrative, tax-related and legal obligations;

Data collected for marketing purposes, for which you have provided your consent for processing, shall be kept for a maximum period of 24 months (marketing) or other period as may be specified by the supervisory authorities;

Data collected to manage and answer requests in relation to the supplied products shall be kept for the period of time necessary to process the request and subsequently erased if no further contact is made;

Data collected by subscribing to the Newsletter shall be processed until such time as Colorpack s.r.l. decides to cease the information activity or until such time as the user decides to voluntarily cancel their subscription.


We inform you that, in the capacity of data subject, you have the right at any time, subject to legal limitations, to:

obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of your personal data, even if not yet recorded, and for said data to be made available to you in an intelligible form (art. 15 Reg. EU 679/2016) ; 

to be informed of, and, where appropriate, obtain a copy of: a) the origin and category of your personal data; b) the logic applied in the case of processing using electronic instruments; c) the purposes and means of processing; d) the identification details of the data controller and data processors; e) the subjects or categories of subjects to which your personal data may have been disclosed or which may become aware of your personal data, particularly in the case of recipients from third-party countries or international organisations; f) where possible, the retention period of your data or the criteria used to determine said period; g) the existence of an automated decision-making process and, in said case, the logic applied, and the importance and consequences envisaged for the data subject; h) the existence of adequate safeguards in the event the data is transferred to a non-EU country or international organisation; 

to obtain, without undue delay, the updating and rectification of inaccurate data or, when required, the supplementing of incomplete data (art. 16 Reg. EU 679/2016); 

to obtain the erasure, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data, where possible: a) unlawfully processed; b) no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or subsequently processed; c) in the event of revocation of the consent on which the processing is based, and if there are no other legal grounds, d) in the event you oppose the processing and there is no overriding legitimate reason to continue the processing; e) to fulfil a legal obligation; f) in the event of data referring to minors. The Data Controller may refuse the erasure only in the event of: a) exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information; b) fulfilment of a legal obligation, performance of a task in the public interest or exercise of public authority; c) reasons in the interest of public health; d) archiving in the public interest, for the purposes of scientific or historical research, or for statistical purposes; e) exercise of a right in court (art. 17 Reg. EU 679/2016); 

to obtain the restriction of processing in the case of: a) a dispute regarding the accuracy of the personal data; b) unlawful processing by the Data Controller to impede its erasure; c) exercise of your rights in court; d) verification that the Data Controller’s legitimate reasons prevail over those of the data subject (art. 18 Reg. EU 679/2016); 

to receive – in the event processing is carried out using automatic means – without impediment and in a structured, commonly used and legible format, your personal data in order to transmit it to another data controller or – if technically feasible – to obtain its direct transmission from the Data Controller to another data controller (art. 20 Reg. EU 679/2016); 

to oppose, either in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons connected with your particular situation, the processing of your personal data (art. 21 Reg. EU 679/2016); 

to submit a claim to the Data Protection Authority ( with registered office in Piazza Montecitorio no. 121, 00186 Rome.

In the above cases, where necessary, the Data Controller may inform third parties to whom your personal data has been disclosed, of any exercise of your rights, except in specific cases (e.g. when said obligation is found to be impossible or would involve the use of manifestly disproportionate means with respect to the protected right).


You can exercise your rights at any time by: 

sending a Registered Letter with return receipt to the Data Controller in Via Benvenuto Cellini 26, 20020 Solaro (MI);

sending an email to:

phoning +39 029690664

This site uses cookies. For more information and details of the cookie policy, the Data Subject is invited to consult the “cookie policy”.

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes or simply update the content of this policy at any time. In the event the changes affect personal data subject to explicit consent, the Data Controller shall arrange for collection of the new consent. The Data Controller, therefore, invites the Data Subject to regularly visit this section to keep up to date

Users browsing the website may decide to disable the cookies following the procedures described in the relative section.